Industries Bucking the Trend and Defying the Recession

Although it seems that every time we open a newspaper or turn on the news, we are told about the state of the fragile UK economy, there are many sectors that are bucking the trend and displaying remarkable signs of growth.
Financial Gloom
The threat of an unprecedented triple dip recession is on the horizon after a poor final quarter in 2012 for the economy. The last three months of 2012 saw a 0.3% shrink in the economy fuelling fears of yet another recession.
If such predictions are correct millions of jobseekers could still find themselves unemployed throughout 2013, leaving a year that was set for prosperity and growth quickly becoming another year of doom and gloom.
Industries of Growth
Despite the tough financial environment there are glimmers of hope that could help drag the UK from yet another economic meltdown. During every stage of a business cycle, regardless to whether that is boom or bust; certain industries consistently grow and make the most of the situation they find themselves within. Such is often attributed to a business’s ability to change and adapt in-line with the market.
With this in mind, below highlights are few examples that are defying the odds and remaining upbeat despite the tough financial climate that surrounds.
  • Recruitment – is one sector that is flourishing positively at the moment. More and more companies are now outsourcing their HR recruitment requirements to external specialists in attempt to save time and money. Recruitment, especially for high skilled vacancies, can require extensive resources and time which can involve sifting through hundreds of applications to create a shortlist. With this in mind more and more businesses are now working closely with recruitment websites and agencies to advertise positions and in-turn fill vacancies with the perfect candidate. 
  • ICT – The UK’s ICT market is one of the biggest in Europe and is valued at over £140bn each and every year. The IT industry has shown remarkable resilience in recent years and growth is expected once again for 2013. Such findings may or may not come as much surprise as IT is arguably the root of all modern business. There are a host of opportunities and career paths available for the right candidate.
  • Renewable Energy Sector – If current trends continue the renewable energy sector within the UK is set to grow considerably within the years leading up to 2020. Currently the UK renewable energy sector employees around 100,000 people however predictions suggest this number will be closer to 400,000 by the year 2020.

Denny Jones

Hey there, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial writer with over a decade of experience. I'm passionate about simplifying finance and empowering readers to achieve financial freedom. My articles offer practical advice and insights to help you navigate investing, budgeting, and personal finance with confidence. Let's unlock your financial potential together!

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