Earn money online from your computer
Hey there , are you getting bored by spending the whole day in your home ? Do u want to earn some money for yourself from your computer ? You can do that if you have internet connectivity in your computer . For doing so you should take some tips to earn some income from internet. There are lots of ways by which you can earn money online by sitting at home.

Here goes some ways by which you can earn money online : –
1. Blogs/Sites : Now a days , blogs are most popular way to earn money online because in blogs you can write your journals , your views, opinions , reviews etc and people can enjoy your writing by your blogs or sites. You can place some ads in your posts or in the sites for which people may pay you. Its all depends on the popularity of your site or blog , more you site or blogs gets popular , more you will gets the offers of advertising in your site or blog.
2. Freelancing : This is a vast and most popular way to earn money in internet. First of all you need to open a paypal account by which you can make online transactions. In freelancing you will get different types of online jobs like website promotion, freelancing jobs , online tuition , etc. You can also earn money by writing articles for sites or blogs.
3. Affiliate marketing : This is the most effective way to earn money. For this you have to create your own website and then you can add some affiliates leads in your website by writing articles or adding links in your site. You can sell others peoples products online by your website for which you get commission from others.
4. Digital products : If you can write online e-books by giving some simple questions which is commonly asked by peoples like – “ how can you loose your weight in few days “ , “ how can you make your married life happy “ etc. You can sell your books through certain websites . For this you can also contact affiliate marketers who can sell your books online by commission on sales.
That was some simple ways by which you can earn money online from your computer . However , you should aware of scams and if you have sound knowledge in computer then by using these simple ways you can be a rich man.